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8 foods that can trigger schizophrenia symptoms

8 foods that can trigger schizophrenia symptoms

Schizophrenia is a severe mental health disorder that may cause a person to hallucinate. The condition may also lead to other symptoms, such as delusions, unusual behavior, and disrupted thinking. These symptoms can affect one’s ability to function normally and overall well-being. Since the condition affects mental health, it is important to avoid foods that may make the condition worse. Here are some foods a person with schizophrenia must avoid.

Wheat-based foods
Gluten-free foods are easily available today. The options have also grown popular among the general population. However, some individuals with celiac disease may have adverse effects from consuming specific ingredients in wheat-based foods. A person who continues to eat foods they are intolerant to seems to be a contributing factor that triggers health conditions like schizophrenia. So one must get tested for celiac disease before trying to slice out gluten from their food regime.

Refined sugars
People with mental health disorders often eat poorly, resulting in poor nutrition. When an individual includes foods rich in refined sugars, it might trigger the symptoms of schizophrenia. So one should follow a low glycemic load meal plan. Avoiding candy, cake, and sweetened beverages is an ideal way to steer clear of such sugars and improve how they manage their condition.

Bottled dressings, syrups, and marinades
Most people use a ton of syrups, marinades, or a bottled dressing to prepare quick meals at home. But people with symptoms of schizophrenia are better off avoiding the use of such products. The ingredients listed on the label often include excessive amounts of high-fructose corn syrup. And this component is linked to multiple health problems, including poor memory and reduced brain function.

Mercury-rich fish
Fish offer several health benefits to the human body. However, the ocean is rich in mercury, a heavy metal contaminant and neurological poison that various fish often consume. Furthermore, the element stays in the tissues of such sea creatures for a long time. Therefore, patients with schizophrenia must avoid eating long-lived predatory fish like shark, tuna, and king mackerel, as it may worsen their mental health.

Processed foods
Processed foods are unhealthy for the human body, even more for those with mental health conditions. These foods contain added fats, salt, and sugars high in calories and low in healthy nutrients. Eating processed foods may reduce the production of brain-derived molecule neurotrophic factors (BDNF). The molecule is necessary to maintain long-term memories. Therefore, someone with schizophrenia is better off cutting down on processed foods.

Foods rich in trans fats
Trans fats occur naturally in meats like beef, lamb, certain dairy products, poultry, and pork. However, there are other fats that are created artificially, including hydrogenated vegetable oils. Artificial trans fats are found in margarine, shortening, snacks, and frosting. These products may pose a serious threat to an individual with schizophrenia. Excessive consumption of such fats may deteriorate an individual’s brain volume and memory retention. Consuming too much trans fat may also result in cognitive decline.

Red meat
Red meats like beef, pork, and lamb are high in saturated fats, which can have a negative effect on the heart and the brain. High intake of red meat might lead to heightened depression, anxiety, and psychological distress symptoms. A healthcare expert may also recommend following a traditional Mediterranean meal plan. Here the intake of red meat is restricted, while the individual needs to consume other products like olive oil, vegetables, fruits, and legumes to manage their condition.

Foods with aspartame
Aspartame, known as an artificial sweetener, is used by many individuals with diabetes. The sweetener is sugar-free, so people with diabetes consume aspartame to maintain their body mass index or reduce sugar consumption. However, the sugar-free sweetener contains phenylalanine, an acid that can affect the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. The phenomenon can lead to several complications, including dementia, which is a symptom of schizophrenia.

Besides, it is best to seek help from a nutritionist to prevent the worsening of schizophrenic symptoms.